situated learning - k-12 - a taste of india

Detailed Description:

Students taking language classes at “India school” (a private institution that provides Hindi language education to mostly Indian students settled in the United States) find it difficult to transfer knowledge of Hindi learned in a classroom setting to real-life situations. Their sentences often lack vitality when they try to speak in Hindi with their peers or family members. They find it hard to assimilate new vocabulary without being given formal instruction. The main problem lies in the fact that these students lack the direct experiences of Indian culture, an essential component for language learning. Students need to be given authentic cultural experiences within which to negotiate and solve problems. From such experiences they can begin to build an understanding of the Indian world-view so necessary to achieve linguistic fluency.

India school has decided to plan a trip to India. High school students are involved in organizing this trip. To facilitate this, Computer-mediated exploratory learning environment called “A taste of India” is designed and used in the India school for students to develop an understanding of the country. This environment provides opportunities to interact with native speakers of Hindi. Working in teams of four, the learners' goal will be to develop travel plans and an itinerary for their first trip to India.

Learning Outcomes:

The learner will be able to:

    General outcomes

      • Develop problem solving skills
      • Develop critical thinking skills
      • Enhanced self – directed learning
      • Enhanced journal writing an articulation skills

    Specific outcomes

      • Become more comfortable in spontaneously interacting with native Indian-speakers
      • Build collaborative skills with their peers
      • Identify and use cultural, historical and other resources to learn about India 
      • Enhanced understanding of the Indian culture
      • Become more independent in planning a trip, especially to India.